What does safe mean to you ? Young photographers share images of family, friendship and hope – (…)
Restless Development, a global youth agency, asked photographers aged 18-25 from around the world to submit images for the WHO global campaign to end violence against children on the theme of feeling safe. The resulting photo essays were displayed in Bogotá, Colombia, earlier this month Continue (…)
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The Guardian
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The Guardian
Uganda is right to decolonise its historical and cultural landscape | Letter
Campaigners celebrate court ruling to ‘decolonise’ Kampala
The Ugandan arts centre bringing harmony to Africa’s biggest refugee camp
Authoritarian regimes around the world cheer on dismantling of USAid
The Guardian view on Sudan’s war : borders can’t contain a devastating, destabilising crisis | Editorial
Being a mother in the west would be a dream, I was told. But compared to Uganda, it was a nightmare | Patience Akumu