Theatre of Violence review – questions of culpability as Lord’s Resistance Army killer comes to (...)

26 février 2024 | Cath Clarke
This harrowing documentary tells the story of Dominic Ongwen, conscripted into a brutal rebel army in Uganda and now indicted at the international criminal court for war crimes Dominic Ongwen was nine when he was abducted from his village in northern Uganda and conscripted as a child soldier (...)
 Site référencé:  The Guardian

The Guardian 

Ugandan oil pipeline protester allegedly beaten as part of ‘alarming crackdown’
‘A small respite in the face of horror’ : Sudanese artists fleeing war find a safe haven
UK officials under fire for congratulating ‘repressive’ new chief of Uganda’s army
‘A colonial mindset’ : why global aid agencies need to get out of the way
Chimps are dying of the common cold. Is great ape tourism to blame ?
Threats, accusations and assault : the dangers of running an LGBTQ+ health clinic in Uganda