VISUAL IMPAIRMENT : Instead of succumbing to fear and anger after losing her sight, surfer (…)

28 octobre 2021 | Biénne Huisman
It’s a crisp morning at Surfer’s Corner in Muizenberg: a sun-streaked sky over hip-high waves, dotted with wetsuits. To our side, the area’s iconic brightly painted wooden huts are strung in a sea-facing row. Peripherally, I can see the huts. Facing me, Michele Macfarlane, a surfer from Cape Town, (...)
 Site référencé:  Daily Maverick

Daily Maverick 

THE CONVERSATION : A quarter of Sun-like stars eat their own planets, according to new research
THE FINAL FRONTIER : Time travel : The death and rebirth of a star machine
REFLECTION : My Story : Getting through the worst of times
OPINIONISTA : People and politics : In the naughty corner today but in somebody’s good books tomorrow
OPINIONISTA : I love Manchester United and I love the ANC, but both are overdue for relegation